Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Create PDF from almost any format document

Hi guys,

Do you have MS Document or MS Excel that you want to make it PDF and send over to your client/customers?

I had few clients ask me this question and I advised them the steps. But, when new customers keep on asking the same, I eventually get tired. The right manner, I should have Blog about it which I decide to do it now rather than 'another' later.

Direct to point, making or converting your documents to PDF is completely easy. There are few softwares that can do this work easily.

I would personally suggest CutePDF since I have test it.


  1. Download and install CutePDF, link: http://www.cutepdf.com/download/CuteWriter.exe
  2. Open your the document that you want to make PDF (can be any document format DOC, DOCX, ...)
  3. Click to File > Print. 
  4. When the print screen shows up, you will notice the 'Printer' set to your existing default Printer. Click on the printer list and change it to CutePDF (this is a new printer which will appear after you installed CutePDF)
  5. Go ahead and print with CutePDF, it will immediately ask you for the PDF filename.
  6. Your document is now in PDF format as the filename you saved.

Have fun! Blast the PDF to your customers. Spam their mailbox as much as possible with all your promotion stuffs.

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