Sunday, January 20, 2008

A mess with FileSystemObject (ASP class)

Hi all,

Already, here is the latest mess with FileSystemObject. It is a class component that ASP has by default. But recently when i found freeASPupload tool from The tool worked fine as i wanted on my office PC, company server, and private server. When i execute the script onmy localhost, it returned error "Invalid class string" at the first line where the FileSystemObject class being use.

I did google up for solution but no luck, most of them was talking about the basic component DLL registry. Until recently i saw a post that highlighted the permission issue for FileSystemObject. And hey! It solved my problem.

I write this blog so the others who facing same silly problem as me can get the solution.

Here is the solution:
open regedit.exe (or run "regedit" / "regedt32")
go to this key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Scripting.File SystemObject
right click and choose Permissions...
set permission as follow:
. users read
. system full read
. power read
. creator owner
. admin full read
or see neighbor's permission of this key and do as them
Make sure the Internet User account has full permission.

Tadaaaa, your problem should be now solved. If this did not solve your problem, then better you google up for solution because you might be having critical problem such as missing the basic DLL files.

Credit goes to the original post author: tunghnt -

Thank you.

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