Friday, March 26, 2010

Windows 7, a new chapter


As you all already know, Windows 7 is in town! I believe most of you could have experienced it already. How do you guys find it so far?

In my case, XP's weakness of defending its own system files has cause a major problem to me and rather than keep fighting with those viruses and spyware, I jumped to Windows 7.

Windows 7 is the best Windows experience I has so far. I know Windows 7 has similar interface to Vista, but previously Vista was lacking in term of capturing high memory and unwanted services. Windows 7 on the other hand, has more simplified system. It does not bite the memory that bad.

If you guys could have notice, now days the Netbook is getting popular. You guys can find the Netbook comes with 2 different OS options which are Windows XP and Windows 7. My question is where is Windows Vista? Like I said, Vista is heavy and it doesn't suite the Netbook which is low specs. But Windows 7 is smart, it can tweak in nicely to fit itself based on the machine's specs.

The minimum requirement for Windows 7 is 1GB RAM and 1Ghz processor. Some claim that Windows 7 works fine with 512KB RAM itself. Pretty good right?

But anyway, I can feel that Windows 7 has just win over Windows XP's market share. And I bet its the best of Microsoft so far!

One best feature of Windows 7 that I love is the TaskBar (SuperBar) has been given new energy whereas we can store the application shortcuts in the TaskBar. Later when we are using the application, it will not consume any extra space in the TaskBar, instead just putting a rectangle box around the application icon to mention that the application is currently opened. Wow, this saved a lot of space in the TaskBar. Besides, we can pin our favorite files/shortcuts to this application. And when we right-click on the application icon in the taskbar, it will show the shortcuts that we have pinned to that particular application. If you pressed Shift button on keyboard and clicked on the application icon, then it will open the same application in another window. For example, if we have calculator and already open 1 to do some calculations, middle of the way, if we need another calculator to count something else, just press Shift and click the calculator icon, another calculator would be displayed.

I still find it slightly difficult to navigate the file explorer because its all being grouped together in one icon, but I believe the way the taskbar is programmed is very good. I would get used to this taskbar and will extremely contribute to efficiency in handling files and doing my daily pc work.

I agree Windows 7 is pretty good, therefore Regan Rajan recommends Windows 7 to all.

Have a nice day guys!

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