Friday, January 1, 2010

Whats new for 2010? Else than just "Happy New Year" wishes?


That is a question you should ask to yourself. What exactly you want to do new for this "New" year? My advise, don't target the sky and be practical.

For me, I want to back blogging actively because I have found that this blog do help some people to figure some of their puzzles based on my previous experience. Helping people is not my motive, but sharing idea is the motive.

I also tuning this blog to be mixture of my IT experience and movie experience because I love to share both of that with you guys. So from now on, you can see active blog with messy information. I suggest you use the "Articles Categories" menu on the right side of this blog to navigate around based on your interest. Or if you looking for something specifically, make use of the search tool on the right as well.

My life been "excellent" on 2008. But I was merely an average on 2009 as the start of the year itself begun my hard-adventures leaving me to work hard to survive my time.

For 2010, I can predict this year going to be another remarkable year of my life with new happy stuffs happening from middle of the year. Beginning of the year would be slightly hard but middle of year would be "interesting" once again. I look at everything that happen in my life as "luck" and "adventure". When good comes, it comes because luck. When bad comes, it is an adventure for us to overcome it. My adventure haven't stop and my luck is looking forward for me. I am excited about 2010 and interested to know what twist is waiting for me throughout this year.

Time to move forward together.

Happy New Year 2010!

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